Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Just giving you heads up on my day so far..
Day started with making Ryan Lunch, I got Lucas set up in front of his TV show. I worked out. Then had breakfast with Lucas while watching his show with him. Then I started by cleaning all the bathrooms, got those all done by 9am before Harrison woke up. Fed Harry, while feeding him I mopped all the floors... (also had Lucas do his Garbage chore, that takes some effort)(make beds, straighten) Then after he ate I got boys dressed, then after that I Vacuumed the whole house. By that time..."B" friend of mine came to pick up Lucas for Swim Lessons.

***deep breath***

I was relieved, I thought man I'll take a minute and have my mid morning snack with Harrison. So that went on. Finished a few things around the house after my snack, THEN got in the shower, got dressed. Pull hair up in ponytail. Read books with Harry. "B" drops off Lucas. Talk to her for a minute... She heads out.

Lucas was upstairs changing into some clothes. Help him do that. Take boys downstairs for Lunch. While cooking pizza, set boys up with a snack (at the table) Make myself a sandwich. Pizza ready, eat Lucas, eat Lucas, eat Lucas, eat Lucas. Harry don't throw food. Eat Lucas, nope eat Lucas eat Lucas eat Lucas.

Take Harry up for a nap.

Eat Lucas, no you can't have more juice until you eat that slice all gone. Eat Lucas.......etc.

Finally. Done feeding him. I guess I'll finish my sandwich. Clean up the Kitchen.

Hear Lucas by his toys... Mommy, I don't have to go poo poo

Take Lucas to the toliet....grease stain in his underwear. (this has been going on for a month now, I'm tired of it)

Get new underwear. Get him down for nap.

Come downstairs to make a few phone calls for VT (vistiting Teaching)

Hear Lucas upstairs. Mommy! Mommy!

I go up. POOP running down his legs onto the carpet. Grab him. Throw him in the tub. (BTW I just cleaned the toliets and bathtubs this morning. So after completing the pulling off of yucky pants and underwear, I will have to once again clean out the tub and sink after I already did it this morning with cleaner to disinfect...)

Throw shorts and underwear in sink, finish washing Lucas in tub. Get new underwear for him.

Leave bathroom to clean carpet with Carpet Cleaner. Get Lucas settled in bed for a nap. (oh I also told him no more big boy underwear until he stops this, so I put a pull up on him until he's 5, I could care less)

Proceed to clean out dirty underwear and shorts in sink. Then clean out tub and sink. Take clothes downstairs to use spray and wash and get them hopefully stainfree.

Now I'm going to try and finish cleaning Kitchen after the Lunch rush, fold Laundry and clean up office.....
Dinner Ideas anyone?


Laurel said...

Potty traing sounds horrible. Try to have a better day.

Anonymous said...

I think that I will lay down after that post...it totally wore me out just reading it. Take sometime for yourself lady.

The One said...

It's a good thing your kids are cute or you'd have to leave them with the circus. You should be proud of yourself for still working out though. Hopefully your day ended with something like, "When I came home from my spa treatments, my husband had done all the grocery shopping and cleaned out the garage!" Be lazy today. Love ya

Sarah said...

So here's on a good note. I left on a walk when Ryan came home with the kids and when I got back dinner was all made for me!

Rachie said...

you poor thing. hopefullt today was a better day.

Jess said...

We should get paid to be moms! I'm glad you survived the day!

Tyra said...

Ok...I am literally exhausted after reading that bit about your day.....and might I add that isn't even a full day yet. Yikes!!!! I just don't know if I will ever be ready to have kids.