Monday, March 9, 2009

The best Trip EVER.....

California Adventure

Bugs Land @ California Adventure

On the beach with Harry, he's so cute.

Harry and Mommies little piggies

Walking down through the "tunnel" at Crystal Cove

Crystal Cove
Lunch at Outdoor mall with Peyton, Madison, Lucas and Ella
Luc and H on Hotel Luggage Cart

Daddy and Lucas at Dumbo
Harry wouldn't get any closer to Pluto
Mommy and Lucas on Dumbo Crystal Cove w/ my Aunt Sandy
Little dude finally sleeping in the car!

Daddy and Lucas in the "HOT TUB"
Eating at Village Inn

Boys just digging in the Sand

We had an great time on our trip! We spent Saturday in St. George and then drove the rest of the way the following morning and stayed in Newport with my Aunt Sandy. The moment we arrived it was off to the beach to play around in the sand. The boys couldn't get enough (that includes Ryan too). My sweet Uncle Robert bought the boys blankets and they packed those around the whole trip.
The following day we had Lunch with my Cousin Patience and her cute kids along with my Aunt. Tuesday through Thursday was Disneyland. We did just about everything we could there, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain Railroad, Small World, Finding Nemo Submarines, Soaring over California, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters and even stayed for Fantasmic. My brave Lucas even went on Tower of Terror with me, but he told me later that he didn't want to go on that again.
Harrison loves Mickey Mouse. Every time he saw him he started shaking and would yell "MICKEY!" One of the evenings there I took Harrison to Toon Town and Lucas went off with Daddy for some bigger rides and we actually got a picture with Mickey Mouse. We walked into Mickeys' house and Harrison's mouth dropped. Then as we inched closer to his Idol he touched Mickeys shoulder and patted it while quietly saying "mickey". After the Picture was taken we started for the exit and Harrison yells out "HOT DOG". Now any "playhouse Disney" watching home knows the dance from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Mickey turns to us and starts to dance.
Lucas enjoyed every moment while we were there. He is always humming or singing songs from all the rides. Now everyday he asks to go back to Disneyland. If you ask him he'll give to you in detail all the rides he went on.
If Harrison didn't like a ride, while on it he would said "I want to go home". (note: he said that on the way out the door heading to St. George).
All in All Awesome and unforgettable family trip! The following Saturday we headed home and once again stayed in St. George for a night. I would recommend this trip to any family!
FYI: I always remember my mom saying how she really enjoyed just watching us kids at Disneyland, and its VERY true. I just loved seeing the reaction on my boys faces to each new thing.


Jess said...

Great pics! It makes me want to go!

The One said...

My stupid computer finally let me see your blog again! I don't know what the heck was wrong. It looks like you guys had so much fun. I want to go!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the picture of Harry with his good old elephant and Mickey..his two favorites.
Looks like you had a great time. Hopefully I get to go to Disneyland again in this lifetime.

Courtney M. Hutchings said...

FUN! I am glad you posted about your trip. Looks like the boys had a blast. Love the beach pictures! You look hawt!

motherofseven said...

I am so glad you had a good time,your pictures look great and it shows that you had a good time.There is nothing like a fun
family vacation. I glad you guys love Disneyland. It is one of my
favorite places to go with you children.

Amanda said...

Looks like So much fun, I can't wait to take my kids someday too! Cute pic's!!!

Rachie said...

Looks like a fabulous time. What great memories for your boys (all three). I can't what to hear more about it!