Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy 8th Anniversary!!

8 years. 2 cute kids. 1 handsome hubby. 1 nutty wife. 1 crazy life. 1 happy family.


Anonymous said...

WHAT? 8 years? I swear it was 7. Time definitely flies when you are having fun...or going crazy :)

I love that picture. Happy Anniversary.

Tiffany said...

So is that a picture of your wedding, or have you recently done a dancing photo shoot? That is a great picture!! You both look so young and in love, ah, the good ol' days. We need to get together, we miss you all!

motherofseven said...

Well, you look so in love, Eight years, Wow. You too look great.

motherofseven said...

Wow, 8 years, you too look great.

motherofseven said...

you too look great, 8 yrs wow!!!