Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

HAPPY Mothers DAY!
A funny story...
Ryan was home on Friday (working)
I came home from an outing with friends and I put the kids down for naps
I went downstairs in the office to grab something
When I got there I realized, it smells like perfume, I mean REALLY smells like perfume down here
I go upstairs into the Kitchen
Ryan is there and I ask
"Why does the office smell like perfume?"
He starts to giggle, hands me a box and says "Happy Mothers Day"
Then he tells me that he went to Kohl's at lunchtime
He tried almost ALL the perfumes
He had sprayed it on each of his fingers and different one, also on his wrists and hands.
I started to LAUGH
He was there for over a 1/2 hour trying on perfumes
He smelled really good that day (lol)


Jess said...

Cute story! It was great seeing so much of you guys this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sounds just like something he would do. What a dork! Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day.

Courtney M. Hutchings said...

Haha that is so him. Nerd! Cute story.