Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Silly Boy

My Harry
when he talks
He does it out of the side of his mouth (kind of like Elvis)
Then sometimes he'll add a side head tilt (adds a bob to it)
Followed by shrugging his shoulders (up and down)
With that in mind he'll sit down for a meal and grab some food and ask me "Mommy, you have a bite?" Gotta get it on CAMERA!
Just recently cleaning out house and closets I found this old electronic keyboard we have and gave it to Lucas to play. It has a demo button and it plays random songs, he'll turn that on and think he's really playing the song, cute>...and here's the following story
**I was sitting in the office with Harry...he wasn't feeling well and just wanted to be held. Lucas noticed this and with concern in his voice grabbed the keyboard and told Harry that he'd play a song for him. So there he goes, rocking it out. When he's all done says "Harry, do you feel better now, I played that song for you"
So Sweet, LOVE IT! (its good to reflect on those things after a stressful night)


Auntie K said...

That is so sweet!!! Cute little Luceeee

Anonymous said...

That's my sweet little man. He loves his little brother. I just want to come down and squeeze them both.