He's getting so big and learning so much!
Harry at 2 months

I took him to his 3 year Doctor appointment
Dr asks him "are you a boy or a girl?"
He responds "I'm Harry"
He's a giggler, a talker, a cuddle bug, loves his daddy, gives eskimo kisses, tight hugs...I love you fuzzy buddy!
3 years ago I was big.....large with child.
I was afraid if I didn't go into labor soon I'd have to have another C-Section (they can't induce with a previous c-Section)
My blood Pressure was HIGH, so I was resting.
Then all of a sudden, I peed my pants! My water broke!!!
It was the happiest moment
6pm-contractions started
6am Jan 7 2007 I had Harrison
8lbs- wow big boy!
Now we have a 3 year old
33 lbs(65%)
39 inches( 85%)
Love the new pics!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Wow, I can't believe he's 3. The pics are great. I hope you guys are doing well.
Happy birthday harry! sarah he is so cute. hope you guys are doing well!
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