Monday, January 7, 2013

Harrison is SIX

I just wanted to take a moment and talk about my Harry
He came to us on January 7th, 2007
I was a  little nervous about having him because I had a previous C-section with Lucas. My hope was to not have another one.  I was lucky and all went according to plan.  After what seemed like eternity he arrived!
Born at 6:12 am 8lbs and 23 inches 

It was a busy 2 years with Lucas and Harrison, but these guys are buddies

Something sweet that I witnessed was that first day of school after our holiday break was when Lucas was heading out to school, Harrison comes running down the hallway crying because he didn't get to say goodbye to his brother.  Lucas had just closed the door to meet his carpool, but heard his brother.  Opened the door and gave Harrison a 30 second hug in the doorway.  Sweet moment, I could tell he was going to miss him after being able to hang out and play together for nearly 2 weeks.

Some things I love about Harrison

He can do his own hair, in fact he's been doing it for almost 2 years now

Loves to pick out his clothes for the day and put on several layers if he can get away with it

Loves his little brother Peter dearly
Since he came to the hospital he has been by his side often.  He has his own little nicknames for him and loves to help mommy wherever he can.  Peter in turn follows him around most of the day.  He's his little shadow. 

When he goes to a friends house to play, I get a report from the mom that he played well.

He loves his dad, he loves to work on anything with him.  Even if he doesn't have a job to do, he will stay by his side and watch.  Last summer when we put in our new yard, Harrison was right there, digging, shoveling, moving dirt and doing anything to help.  He is a HARD WORKER!

His dimples

Love Love my Harrison, Triple H, fuzzy buddy

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