Monday, February 11, 2013

Its GREAT to be EigHT!

Has it really been 8 years?  My first will be 8 and I cannot believe it!  
It just a few short weeks he will be baptized.
He is very excited for this upcoming event and I am so grateful for his desicion.

8 years ago on February 12th I went in for an induction at LDS hospital.  After about 4 hours of labor my little guy wasn't doing so well.  He was in distress.  To the operating room I went and there I waited to see if things would get better.  After waiting what seemed like a lifetime, we finally decided it was best to have a C-section   

The funny thing about this story... my ultrasound said (its a girl).
Well after he came he most defiantly wasn't a girl!  I was so relieved, I had this feeling that it was a boy all along!  Lucas Ryan Hutchings.

Lucas you have been a sweet and kind boy

You were a busy curious toddler

A tiny little newborn
And one (out of the three) best things that ever happened to me!
Happy Birthday to Lucas!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

So adorable! You are such a great mom. ;-)