Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lucas Turns 9

Picture Overload ;)
Lucas, wow nine years?  You made me a mom.  Your my firstborn.  I love you! It was a pretty scary time during those hours before your birth.  But with help from the doctor and nurses, you were born and everything was just fine!  You've brought so much light into my life.  You have a great love for music (which I just love)  We often sing in the car together.  Of coarse your new favorite and mine is the frozen soundtrack.  You excel in almost anything you put your mind to.  Last year your decision to be baptized was an amazing experience. You often feel your Saviors love and have a very tender heart.  Your best buddy is your brother Harrison.  I'm so grateful for that.  Each time I measure you on our "measuring wall" you have grown! You are loved by us. You are the first grandson on the Hutchings' side.  With that you had the privilege of spending a lot of time with your Grandpa and Grandma and your Auntie Leisa.  I feel there's a special connection there.  When you were 2 you named your Grandma Hutchings "Honey" and it has stuck.  As you get older, you have become my "buddy"  I always have fun with you. Every time your with your Grandpa Richmond you wrestle.  And the laughter never ends.  You love the piano and I love hearing you play. We laugh together.  You will always give me hugs. I'm lucky you call me mom.
  Lucas- I love you!

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